What a beautiful surprise- so many preorders <3
So this morning, among so many things that are happening I got these lovely emails from people telling me Things That Cause Inappropriate Happiness, my new short story collection that will be published by the wonderful Guernica Editions next March is making bestseller lists on Amazon for preorders! (#3 on their Canadian short story lists, #8 on their Canadian Women’s writers lists!! It’s unbelievable) 💗😭❤️I’m so incredibly grateful and touched that people have been preordering so much already. Thank you so much with all my heart. I appreciate the support and enthusiasm so much and I can’t wait to share it with you 🧡🧡📚thank you again so much ❤️❤
and from many independent bookstores, including Ben McNally Books, Queen Books, Another story, Type Books and more
thank you so, so much again <3
