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Writing update

People have been asking me where I've been and what I've been working on.

Aside from finishing a draft of my new novel, A Place for People Like Us, I've been working on my new collection of short stories, There's Something I've been Meaning to Say To You. If you know me, you know much I love writing short fiction. The process, from beginning to end, never fails to fill me with joy. (if you're curious, you can find the story, Sometimes I Like to Shoot Kids in the amazing, Dane Swan edited anthology, Changing the Face of Canadian Literature, you can get it here: and my short story Aloha State appeared in the Humber Literary Review a little while ago. Between that, and mentoring my incredible student at Humber School for Writers, and having two kiddos at home, I've had a lot less time for social media updates. But I hope to have a lot to share with you soon! Watch this space (and thank you for asking) <3


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