Danuta Gleed Literary Award Judging
I was so thrilled and honoured to be one of the judges of this year’s The Writers' Union of Canada Danuta Gleed Literary Award alongside the amazing Souvankham Thammavongsa and paulo da costa.
These authors and their books are remarkable. It was a pleasure and privilege to read their beautiful writing, and it was inspiring to get to closely observe and discuss their many innovations. Enormous congratulations to Lisa Alward, Paola Ferrante, Rebecca Hirsh Garcia, Kathryn Mockler and Idman Nur Omar, and to their editors and publishers Biblioasis , Bookhug Press ECW Press and House of Anansi Press
Short fiction is my favourite form, both to write and to read, and having the opportunity to do this, to read all of these amazing books, was a dream. Thank you again so much for having me. Huge congrats to these incredibly talented writers
