Love and Polar Bears
Hi, I wanted to finally update my website... I've been writing a lot (I've started work on a graphic novel, and I've also been working on a brand new novel which I'm afraid to talk about yet, but so far it's going well, and has been really fun to do) I also recently had one of my short stories, Love and Polar Bears, featured in Broken Pencil magazine (enormous thanks to their very kind editor, Richard Rosenbaum) You can read it in its entirety below:

The very kind Richard Poplak (A South African/Canadian writer and journalist whose work I also love) recently reviewed a South African book for the National Post, and mentioned me, along with a lot of writers whose work I really love. It's an interesting piece, check it out: I've been reading a lot too: Carrie Snyder's the Juliet Stories is great, and Danit Brown's Ask for a Convertible is wonderful. I also love Alex Ohlin's Signs and Wonders, Zadie Smith's NW, and I just reread Lynn Crosbie's Liar for the fourteenth time (it just gets better with every read) I hope to have more news soon! xoxo